這裡每篇文章/圖片作者皆為「施云/Sophie Seeing」,

2012年9月26日 星期三

土地與我,台灣反迫遷 Land and Me, stop forced evictions in Taiwan

這是在某社群網站所發起的一個「故事募集」活動,從2012年5月至8月,在此共收錄了10則故事。活動發起人-施云(Sophie Seeing)-是一名影像與文字工作者,因為拍攝一部講述城市開發故事的「八里浮生錄」紀錄片,有感而發,希望借此活動讓全世界關注台灣正在發生的「迫遷」事件。

The ten stories here were derived from an activity initiated by Sophie Seeing on a web site, from May to August, 2012. She initiated the activity for collecting stories, after filming "A life in Bali", which talk about the ongoing urban development. The activity aims to uncover the present forced eviction events which taking place in Taiwan, to the international community.

Authors and Photographers:
Sophie Seeing, Lai Ming-Xin, Peng Xiu-Chun, Amber Shyu

English translator: Yu, Li-An

Music Composer: Dakanow (Who are you, from “Calisi”)

Editor & Director: Sophie Seeing



Land and Me
– the collection of the stories from the victims of land acquisition in Taiwan

Motivation of the activity:
According to official statistics, there are 438 cases of urban planning in Taiwan, which covers a land area of 475 thousand hectares. This is larger than 1/3 of the plain area in Taiwan. Many private lands are acquired for these cases. Most of the lands are used for agriculture. The expected population for the planning is larger than the present population in Taiwan by 25.18 million people (the population in Taiwan is 23.11 million in 2010). But, the population in Taiwan now grows at low birth rate. The future population is expected to shrink, unless there is official planned immigration by the government. The unreasonable urban planning by Taiwanese government does harm to the Taiwanese people to be evicted from their homes. However, are these “legal actions” done by the government really beneficial for the common good? Are these actions for happiness of Taiwanese people? How much unfair suffering have they experienced? Their voices and stories should be heard and understood by the public.

第10條 人民有居住及遷徙之自由。
第15條 人民之生存權、工作權及財產權,應予保障。
第22條 凡人民之其他自由及權利,不妨害社會秩序、公共利益者,均受憲法之保障。

The Constitution of R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Article 10. People have rights to housing and migration.
Article 15. People’s rights to life, work and properties should be guaranteed.
Article 22. If there is no violation to social order or public interests, all liberties and rights of people are guaranteed by the Constitution.


